Burnout Survey
On a scale from 1 to 7, answer each question with how much you agree on each statement, then score that section. Here’s how to figure out which number to choose for each question:
1 = Never
2 = A few times a year or less
3 = Once a month or less
4 = A few times a month
5= Once a week or so
6 = Most days
7 = Every day
1. I look forward to getting back to the work when I return from the weekend or after a vacation.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2. When things aren’t always easy or going great at work, I still feel strong and ready to withstand what comes my way.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3. When I’m starting work on a project or get ready to go into work, I feel ready to give it my all and do it with enthusiasm.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4. I feel passionate about what the organization is doing.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
5. I find something that challenges my skills at work.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6. I am proud to tell others about the work I do.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
7. When I’m working at a project, I can get lost in it. Time seems to fly by!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8. While working on a project, I don’t like to be pulled away. I’d rather stay until the job is done.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
9. I feel a sense of energy, commitment, and enthusiasm from my colleagues at work.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Scoring the Test
Each section represents one of three ingredients needed to eliminate burnout. The lower the score, the less of that ingredient you have and the greater your burnout.
Remember - you may be experiencing burnout even if you don’t consciously realize it! Some of the symptoms of burnout can come out when we don’t realize it, affecting our work and our teammates. Often, we realize we are in burnout when it is all but too late.
Section A is grading your ENERGY level. This is how much the work you’re doing is exciting and filling you with passion periodically.
Section B is grading your MISSION level. This is how much the work you do is inspiring you and helping you feel like it matters in the bigger picture.
Section C is grading your ATTENTION level. This is how much the work you do is engrossing and challenging, but not to the point of feeling snowed under.
Each score is independent, meaning you may score high in one or two areas, but not the others. A low score in even one area can lead to frustrating, crippling burnout. It can also cause the other scores to worsen over time.
Take a look at the scores in each section with this lens:
Score Below 10 in that section - Total Burnout, time for major correction!
Score between 10 and 16 in that section - Mild Burnout Symptoms, take preventative action!
Score 16 or higher in that section - You’re engaged in your work. Learn habits to stay engaged!
NOTE: If you score under a 16 in multiple sections, you are likely in Total Burnout as well. It’s time for a readjustment of working goals.
What to do about your scores…
If you scored low in any area, you must take action to address the underlying issue causing your burnout. Even if you scored high, you are in the best position to protect yourself and your team from the crippling effects of burnout. Burnout can happen anytime, to anyone, in any industry, even if you scored well today.
Each area of the test requires a different approach to solving the burnout issue.
For MISSION, it is critical to create purpose-driven practices that center on your “why” for working.
For ENERGY, we must learn to recharge our physical energy better and create challenges that ignite our mental energy again.
For ATTENTION, it helps to practice mindfulness and incorporate “first things first” habits into the team.
Overall, burnout is a systems issue. That means if we want to really get a handle on it, we must address the system as a whole. There are habits, practices, and duties we perform in our teams that contribute to the draining effects of burnout. We have to address the system as a whole if we want to ignite our passions and become insanely productive!
The Cure for Burnout course is designed to address each area, putting you and your team on a lifelong path of engagement and passion for your career! It also provides additional leadership materials that help you keep your team and organization thriving.
No matter how high or low your scores are, The Cure for Burnout course is designed to help you beat and keep burnout away for good.